Types of Snappers – The beautiful Florida fishing attracts anglers of all kinds. The variety and techniques of fishing for these creatures in these sea waters seem infinite. A staple is deepwater fishing for Snappers. Their huge populations are popular with people from all over Europe with an abundance of food options. Not every snapper can be produced equally. Find out the best snapper species on the Florida Coast.

7 Types of Snapper Fish
Snappers are a favorite species of fish from the Gulf of Mexico. They are popular among fishermen. It also serves as an important prey in the Gulf ecosystems. The recent controversy surrounding these important fish has fueled many debates. The red snapper has an impressive life span up to fifty years and is about 50 inches long. Red snapper reproduce at a young age. It spawns from November until May in coral reefs and in rocky lands. Fertilized eggs remain at their surface for several days before forming. Large, older black snappers produce much larger eggs than young snappers.
Vermilion Snapper

Also called a “mingo” and a ” beeliner, the Vermilion Snapper has a reddish pink colour, like a red snapper with big red eyes. Comparable to Red Snappers, Vermilion’s form is more slender. They are smaller animals weighing around 24″ and 6 lbs. Usually caught between two pounds. The species is commonly found offshore over wrecked reefs. Though they can not yield as many files as Red Snappers cousin Vermilion offers excellent tableware for the table.
Yellowtail Snapper
Yellowtail snappers are recognisable by a light olive color belly, a bluish black upper body, horizontal yellow stripes as well as a yellow tail. Other small species Yellowtail is 5-10 lb. Most are commonly seen on South Florida, while the Key West offers some of the finest fisheries available. Their larger size and ample quantities make them an excellent target for both children and beginners and they’re just as delicious as some sandwishes!
Mangrove Snapper

If you were growing up fishing in Florida, mangroves are probably the first snapper you ever caught. This species is easily accessible and schools in docks and piers. Mangrove Snappers typically run 10-20″ however these can easily reach over 100 kg off the coast! This has a similar colour pattern as Cubera: reddish grey. Always read all the new laws before you buy the fish. The fish has usually a generous year-long limit.
Red Snapper
Red Snapper is predominantly red and light pink to white on its belly. These are in all waters around Florida, and grow in frequency as we get north. Generally catch will weigh 3-5 pounds with fish of up to 20 lb usually found on offshore reefs. They have a reputation for being a very popular snapper that is the most popular snapper in the market.
Lane Snapper
Lane Snapper is one of the finest tasting. Its crustacean diet lends sweet flavor with solid texture. However these are at a lower end of the range, typically 14 inch, but are plentiful in reefs as well as underwater structures. They are most commonly found in southern Florida, although they may appear across the waters. They have pinkish-red colors as well as horizontal yellow stripes.
Cubera Snapper

Cuberas are the largest species of snapper, with an average length of 5 ft and a weight of 110 lbs. This scaly red-colored cubar is commonly confused with mangrove Snapper or Cubera juveniles. It is uncommon in the Northwest of Florida and is much more frequent in the Atlantic than in the Gulf. However large specimens may contain parasites or cause ciguiatera poison.
Mutton Snapper
The Mutton Snapper has been widely recognized by many in Florida waterways, and the species grows to 30 kg. Muttons generally occur around 900 feet below sea level although juvenile populations exist close to shores and in ponds. Its belly is pink with a gold orange colouration. Mutton can be brightly colored horizontal lines with prominent black marks.
Is there a difference between snapper and red snapper?
The largest differences amongst both Snappers are their size and their overall shape. Vermilion snappers are tiny and short while red snappers are deeper bodied and usually big. It’ll be interesting to see Vermilion have a shorter tail and broader snouts. Those eyes are going to give you an important giveaway.